Marc Edwards, Charles P. Lunsford Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) and an expert on water treatment and corrosion, will present the Richard L. Valentine Distinguished Lecture, titled "The Flint Michigan Water Crisis: Miracle or Disaster?", from 7:00-8:00 p.m. Thursday, October 27, in W10 Pappajohn Business Building.

Edwards is hosted by the Environmental Engineering & Science Program within the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, and sponsored by the Valentine Distinguished Lecture, which honors Richard L. Valentine, UI professor of civil and environmental engineering.
Valentine has made pioneering contributions in environmental engineering to disinfection byproducts (DBPs) research, including their chemistry and kinetics as applied to drinking water treatment and water distribution systems. He is the leading authority on chloramine disinfectantkinetics which governs the stabilityof the disinfection process and thesafety of drinking water. He developed a simple, practical relationship predicting how fast chloramines decompose in the distribution system which is still widely used today. He also described a mechanism accounting for the instability and subsequent dissolution of lead (from lead pipes) when chloramines are used in disinfection.
Edwards' talk is co-sponsored by the Creative Matters lecture series, IIHR – Hydroscience & Engineering & the Water Sustainability Initiative, Center for Global & Regional Environmental Research, Center for Health Effects of Environmental Contamination, Environmental Health Sciences Research Center, and the Public Policy Center.
Launched in fall 2015, the Creative Matters lecture series seeks to demonstrate that creativity and innovation are not only at the core of all research and discovery, but also central to our human experience.
Its lineup of speakers includes artists, thinkers, builders, and doers who challenge conventional thinking about creativity, science, and artistic expression, and borrow from a range of influences and disciplines in their work.