Our team drives interdisciplinary collaboration through initiatives like Innovation Labs and Ideas Labs, uniting researchers across subjects. In addition, we spearhead internal funding programs, igniting research excellence within our campus, local communities, and beyond. Discover a wealth of resources to identify funding prospects, enhance grantsmanship prowess, and forge pivotal connections that bolster successful research proposals.

Growing Campus Connections

Sign up to be added to the RDO mailing list to receive the RDO Monthly Newsletter and other timely information.

Funding Opportunities

Ongoing Programs and Opportunities

Limited Submission Opportunities

The RDO manages the Limited Submission Opportunities process for grant applications to funding agencies that restrict the number of submissions allowed from an institution. An internal selection process has been established to make sure that multiple applications to the limited program do not render each other ineligible by the sponsor.

Arts and Humanities Initiative

The RDO coordinates the Arts & Humanities Initiative (AHI), an internal funding program within the Office of the Vice President for Research that encourages leading edge scholarship, creative activities, and interdisciplinary research. 

The deadline for Spring 2025 applications is Tuesday, March 11, 2025.

Past Programs and Opportunities

Seeding Excellence Initiative

The RDO's Seeding Excellence Initiative (SEI) aimed to sustain the continued growth of the campus research enterprise by providing competitive seed funding in four strategic areas. SEI was made possible through funding to RDO from the public-private partnership (P3) Year 1 funding cycle.

Jumpstarting Tomorrow

The RDO sought applications to seed interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research communities that advanced research, creative activities, and scholarship. Jumpstarting Tomorrow was a hybrid pilot grant/community-building program supporting innovative and collaborative teams that could become the vanguard for future strategic research investments by the university.

Upcoming Events

Maximizing Pivot to Find Funding and Collaborators (March 2025) promotional image

Maximizing Pivot to Find Funding and Collaborators (March 2025)

Wednesday, March 12, 2025 2:00pm to 3:00pm
University Capitol Centre
Do you want to maximize your time spent searching for funding opportunities or potential project collaborators? Join us to learn how Pivot can save you time and effort in identifying the right funding opportunities for your research lines as well as identifying collaborators with the relevant expertise. Register here. The RDO will send a calendar invitation upon registration.
EPSCoR Lunch and Learn Series - DoD (DEPSCoR) Session promotional image

EPSCoR Lunch and Learn Series - DoD (DEPSCoR) Session

Thursday, March 13, 2025 12:30pm to 1:30pm
University Capitol Centre
The University of Iowa is eligible for EPSCoR funding from four federal agencies: DoD, DOE, NASA, and NSF. The purpose of the EPSCoR Lunch and Learn Series is to promote EPSCoR opportunities and connect faculty with successful awardees. EPSCoR enhances science and technology in states with fewer federal R&D funds. Sessions include agency-specific opportunities, panel insights, and a Q&A. Lunch is provided.The University of Iowa is eligible for EPSCoR funding from four federal agencies: DoD, DOE...
Interdisciplinary Consortium for the Study for War & Genocide Monthly Workshop Meetings promotional image

Interdisciplinary Consortium for the Study for War & Genocide Monthly Workshop Meetings

Friday, April 11, 2025 10:30am to 12:00pm
University Capitol Centre
The CLAS Office of the Dean and the Research Development Office invite you to a monthly workshop series focused on the Interdisciplinary Consortium for the Study of War and Genocide. The fourth monthly workshop will be held on Friday, April 11, from 10:30 a.m. to noon in 1117 UCC. This session will feature presentations by Elizabeth Menninga (Associate Professor; Political Science) and Ashley Howard (Assistant Professor; History and African American Studies) . An agenda is provided below. 10...
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