Researchers can learn how Imaris can increase the impact of 3D and 4D confocal, multiphoton, CT and MRI research images.
With just a few steps, Imaris delivers quantitative volumetric and motion-analysis results. Custom Imaris modules are available for neuroscience, (e.g. dendrite and spine analysis,) and co-localization studies. Other available features include:
- Imaris Measurement Pro: Shape, size and intensity-based quantification.
- Imaris Track: Imaging, tracking and motion analysis of live cells and moving objects in 2D and 3D.
- Imaris Filament Tracer: Automatic detection of neurons (dendritic trees, axons and spines,) microtubules, and other filament-like structures in 2D, 3D and 4D.
- Imaris Coloc: Quantify and document co-distribution of multiple stained biological components.
- Imaris Cell: Quantitatively examine micro relationships that exist within and between cells.
- Imaris Vantage: Compare and contrast experimental groups by visualizing image data in five dimensions as uni- or multi-variate scatterplots.
Space is limited. To reserve a spot, contact Tom Moninger at thomas-moninger@uiowa.edu or call 319-335-8142.
Part of the University of Iowa Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development, CMRF provides a diverse variety of microscopy and analysis techniques for physical science and biomedical researchers. The facility is accessible 24/7 and offers expert support for novice through experienced investigators.