Articles from March 2016
The Office of the Vice President for Research emails a monthly e-newsletter with highlights of its activities |
New UI initiative offers funding, support for ambitious research projects
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Since becoming the University of Iowa’s Vice President for Research and Economic Development three years ago, Dan Reed has encouraged faculty to pursue more high-risk, high-reward research and scholarship proposals, both individually and in collaborative groups Reed says the intense competition for research funding and declining proposal success rates for conventional proposals means the time has...

Dare to Discover banners now in UCC
Thursday, March 24, 2016
The Dare to Discover banners may be down from the lightpoles around downtown Iowa City, but they're not gone.

Crowdfunding campaign supports effort to increase survival rate among Nigerian children
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
In Azeez Butali’s native country of Nigeria, approximately 2,300 children under 5 years old die each day from preventable diseases and circumstances, totaling 840,000 deaths per year.
Mangum elected National Humanities Alliance Secretary
Monday, March 21, 2016
Teresa Mangum, director of the Obermann Center, has been elected Secretary of the National Humanities Alliance Board of Directors, the largest humanities advocacy group in the country, located in Washington, D.C.
UI students to attend APLU Making our CASE workshop in Washington, D.C.
Monday, March 21, 2016
Two University of Iowa students will attend the Association of Public & Land Grant Universities (APLU) Making our CASE (Catalyzing Advocacy for Science and Engineering) program in Washington, D.C., next month.

SantosHuman partners with the Netherlands to improve combat safety, effectiveness
Friday, March 11, 2016
SantosHuman (SHI), a company that grew out of ongoing research at the University of Iowa, has begun working with the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) to enhance effectiveness and reduce injuries among that country’s military members.

Creative Matters lecture series presents ‘The Rise’ author Sarah Lewis April 12
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
The University of Iowa Office of Research and Economic Development will host a talk by Sarah Lewis, author of The Rise: Creativity, the Gift of Failure, and the Search for Mastery, as part of the Creative Matters lecture series in collaboration with the UI Arts Advancement Committee at 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 12 in Art Building West.

The hunt for heart surgery’s 'holy grail' leads entrepreneur to Iowa
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Cardiac surgeons perform upwards of 1 million heart bypass procedures worldwide a year, each requiring on average 2.5 grafts using veins surgically removed from patients’ legs. Although the method has been successful, retrieving healthy veins from legs presents risks and complications on top of those related to the heart surgery. These include potential infections, painful recoveries, and—often...