Articles from April 2017
The Office of the Vice President for Research emails a monthly e-newsletter with highlights of its activities |
Six nominated for UI Student Supervisor and Student Employee of the Year from OVPR&ED
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Three University of Iowa student employees and three student supervisors in units within the Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development (OVPR&ED) were recently nominated for the UI Student Supervisor and Student Employee of the Year.

Theater artist Michael Rohd describes the magic-making where art and community meet
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
“We make listening central to our art-making,” said Michael Rohd about his theater company Sojourn Theatre at the Creative Matters lecture on April 5. “We are a theater company, but this isn’t a play that says ‘Come into our theater and let us tell you a story.’ This is a piece that says, ‘Come to this theater and, if you’re willing, engage in a conversation with us.’”

Astrobiologist Grinspoon challenges us to dream cosmically at April 25 lecture
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
In a time when climate change is still debated, astrobiologist David Grinspoon wants to change the conversation. Grinspoon will offer a lecture titled “Earth in Human Hands: Creating Our Future with a Cosmic View of Our Past,” 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 25, Art Building West, Room 240.

Reed elected to Institute for Research on Innovation & Science, Midwest Big Data Hub
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Daniel Reed, University of Iowa Vice President for Research and Economic Development, was recently elected to the leadership of two prestigious collaborative data consortiums: the Institute for Research on Innovation & Science (IRIS) and the National Science Foundation Midwest Big Data Hub (MBDH).

UI Research Foundation licensing associate awarded Howard Bremer Scholarship
Monday, April 17, 2017
Kenneth Karanja, a licensing associate for the University of Iowa Research Foundation, was recently awarded the Howard Bremer Scholarship from the Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM). The scholarship was established to foster education opportunities for individuals who bring creativity and innovation to the academic technology transfer profession.

Designer and architect Neri Oxman to give Creative Matters lecture April 20
Friday, April 14, 2017
Operating at the crossroads of architecture, computation, science and engineering may seem like an uncomfortable fit. Yet Neri Oxman, associate professor of media arts and sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Media Lab, is demonstrating with her scholarship that this disciplinary partnership is positively organic.

GOLDrush crowdfunding now open to student groups, boosts IMARC RoboBoat competition
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Harnessing the ingenuity, determination and comradery of University of Iowa students, the newly founded Iowa Marine Autonomous Racing Club (IMARC) will be challenging students from across the world in an autonomous, robotic boat competition June 20-25 in South Daytona, Florida.

2017 Dare to Discover banner campaign launches
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
It might surprise you to learn that some of the folks you pass in the grocery aisles at HyVee, on the Ped Mall playground, or out at Lake Macbride are conducting research and scholarship that is changing the world.

UI student wins grant to attend AAAS Catalyzing Advocacy in Science and Engineering workshop
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
This week, University of Iowa senior Nicholas McCarty is in Washington, D.C. at a specialized science policy and advocacy workshop hosted by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). McCarty’s participation is sponsored by the Vice President’s Office for Research and Economic Development.