Articles from April 2019
The Office of the Vice President for Research emails a monthly e-newsletter with highlights of its activities |
Not Distracted: Aiden Bettine Balances Traditional Scholarship and Public Engagement Projects
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

UI mobile app used around the world for speech learning
Thursday, April 11, 2019
In 2001, University of Iowa Professor Jerald Moon wanted to show students in his phonetics class how the sounds of different languages are produced. Moon knew his students could one day work with people who have speech disorders, so a deep understanding of how the tongue, lips, voice box, and other organs work together to make sounds was important. A collaboration with Information Technology...
Ximbio representative on campus April 26 to meet with researchers about reagents
Monday, April 8, 2019
Researchers interested in learning about easier and quicker ways to transfer reagents are invited to meet one-on-one with Ximbio Business Development Manager Jon Viola on Friday, April 26. To schedule a meeting, contact “Ximbassador” Jennie Liu, a graduate student in the UI Carver College of Medicine’s Department of Pharmacology, at Liu has extensive experience working with...

UIRF, XIMBIO partner to accelerate sharing of life science research tools
Monday, April 8, 2019
Ximbio, the world’s largest non-profit dedicated to broadening access to life science research tools, has teamed up with the University of Iowa Research Foundation to make the university’s research tools more readily available to researchers. Research tools like antibodies, cell lines, mouse models, and small molecules are often the key to unlocking challenging scientific questions, and many UI...